Friday, December 10, 2010

Bible Alive: Study Bible with Thomas Nelson

Do you believe in miracles? Is God still in the business of working miracles? After selling the Remnant Study Bible with E.G. White Comments since late 2009 and shipping it to more than 40 different countries, Remnant Publications does indeed believe in miracles, and we want to share them with you. In this warm-hearted, spiritual conversation with Randy Elliot, former vice president of Thomas Nelson’s ministerial division, you’ll not only learn generally how the New King James Version itself came into existence but also the Remnant Study Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishers (the largest Bible publisher in the world) partnered with tiny Remnant Publications to co-publish the Remnant Study Bible. How did that happen? How did they even know who E. G. White was? Watch and find out … Bible Alive: Study Bible with Thomas Nelson.

Bible Alive: Prophecy Now Economic Crisis and Disasters in the Cities

Anyone who hasn’t noticed the world economic crisis must be living on a remote desert island or in a cave with no need of money or trade. Does this crisis have any significance in terms of Bible prophecy? What about the natural disasters that are occurring ever closer to urban areas—earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, volcanic activity in Iceland—do they have anything to do with Bible prophecy? Pastor Hal Mayer addresses these calamities in a special report that examines these world events that seem to be accelerating in both timing and intensity and how they do indeed fit with Bible prophecy. He also discusses the message that God has for us when we see these kinds of events transpiring in our day in front of our eyes. Bible Alive: Prophecy Now Economic Crisis and Disasters in the Cities.

Bible Alive: Korah, Dathan and Abiram

We can all know the Word of God, but God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called, choosing different purposes for different individuals. While God’s church is of one mind and body, it is made up of diverse parts, and every part functions uniquely in its own way to comprise the whole. Hence, God gives different talents to different individuals among His called and chosen because the people He needs to reach through His church require different approaches. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram considered themselves to be just as holy as Moses; therefore, in their own minds they should have been equal leaders in the Israelite camp. They rebelled against God and Moses because they couldn’t accept that they were unlike Moses. They could have been useful to God, but they wanted something more distinct than they were given. Bible Alive: Korah, Dathan and Abiram.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bible Alive: Lazarus

What really happens when people breathe their last breath? Are they floating around somewhere? Could they be in heaven? Are they in hell? Or are they in a perpetual state of sleep? On this very important subject so many people are confused, even church-going people. In going to the True Source to find out what happens when people die, we are focusing on the Bible story of Lazarus to answer these questions. You won't want to miss this! Bible Alive: Lazarus.